While internationally recognized standards such as OHSAS guide us and help us ensure we comply with the highest standards in occupational health and safety, we emphasize behavioral-based programs with a focus on prevention in order to reduce workplace risk and empower employees to take responsibility for their own health and safety on the job. The Mind Body Achievement program is our flagship HS initiative based on team spirit and positive recognition. It integrates the development of leadership skills, risk awareness and elimination, and improving flexibility through morning stretches. The purpose of the MBA is to ensure the mind and body alertness of our employees to health and safety risks surrounding them and their co-workers.
The focus on behavioral based programs also impacts how we measure our health and safety performance globally. Traditional best practice is to measure ‘lagging indicators’ or indicators which represent what has already happened; the number of Total Recordable Incidents or incidents resulting in Days Away, Restricted duty or Transferred duty are examples of lagging indicators. We measure and monitor these indicators very closely and are proud of our ongoing downward trend in lagging indicators over the past 6 years. In addition to this however, we are moving towards measuring a set of “leading indicators” which have been proven to be predictive of performance and influential in fostering a culture of alertness and safety excellence. Leading indicators help us measure elements that create an environment conducive to healthy and safe work.
For more detailed information on our performance, see our most recent Annual HSS Report.